Old School marketing
So you’ve decided on your digital marketing approach. That’s just part of the marketing mix, you also need to decide what ‘old school marketing’ activities may be suitable for your business.
So, its time to think about other ways to reach your target audience. These could include:
- Printed and e-brochures – a well-executed print brochure can be a special way of sticking in customer’s minds
- Flyers – printed and e-versions (you should always have an e-version of anything you have printed – you can use the e-version online and it ensures consistency of branding and messaging)
- Thank you cards -do you send ‘thank you’ cards to your customers? Why not? It’s such a simple and yet effective means of maintaining relationships
- Billboards – posters or electronic billboards in high-footfall or road locations can be useful reminders to potential customers
- Radio – super effective provided you have the right script (we can help you with that!)
- TV – not as expensive as you might think. Like radio hugely effective provided your screenplay and script are spot-on
- Print adverts – last but not least! Print adverts in magazines or newspapers can be a great way of reaching your customers
As with all other forms of marketing, you must define your audience, determine which approaches will work best for your customers and decide on your marketing messages.
What are you waiting for? Stop being a ninety-nine percenter and join the 1% of businesses who are successful in their marketing activities. Contact Phoenix Caribbean today and start your business on a Fresh Approach to Caribbean marketing!
Or just carry on with the Jellyfish marketing…